Шавкат Нишонович Тураев
Национальный университет Узбекистана
Ташкент, Узбекистан
E-mail – nishon-noshir@mail.ru
УДК 1:316
Духовные угрозы и их предупреждение (на примере Узбекистана)
Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются духовные и другие угрозы, способные деморализовать общество и особенно молодёжь и возможные пути их предупреждения в Узбекистане.
Ключевые слова и фразы: духовность, молодёжь, духовные угрозы, Узбекистан, безопасность, стабильность, добрососедство.
Shavkat Nishonovich Touraev
senior researcher of the National University of Uzbekistan,
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Spiritual threats and their prevention (on example of Uzbekistan)
Summary: The article discusses the spiritual and other threats that can demoralize society and especially the youth and the possible ways of their prevention in Uzbekistan.
Key words and phrases: spirituality, youth, spiritual threats, Uzbekistan, security, stability and good neighborliness.
Духовные угрозы и их предупреждение (на примере Узбекистана)
The main aim of the reforms in the spiritual sphere in Uzbekistan is to educate youth in the spirit of patriotism and devotion to the national idea forming in her hearts of national pride, the education of the young generation in the spirit of respect for national spiritual and historical values, as well as scholars of our rich heritage and modern knowledge.
The education of youth in the spirit of respect, love and pride for the motherland, safeguard national independence, people’s values, traditions and customs, as well as making a significant contribution to the fight against aspirations for restricting their spiritual needs and interests consonant with facing our country goals and objectives.
As noted by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov, an important basis of the future of the country in opposition to various spiritual threats, penetrating into the country under the guise of “mass culture”, is the strengthening of ideological immunity, organization of leisure of youth, promotion of national spirituality and cultural heritage, visits to sacred sites, evidence of our rich history, agitation youth to visit theatres, museums, libraries, cultural centers, the implementation work on strengthening contests.
Due to independence, Uzbekistan has created all necessary conditions for the formation and guidance of the young generation. This is important in the education of youth worthy individuals, with deep thinking and high talent. As noted by the President of our country, we should alert penetrating under the guise of “mass culture” moral turpitude and violence, the spread of ideas of individualism, self-centeredness, dangerous threats to disrespect and destruction of millennial traditions and values, spiritual roots and lifestyle. To counter such threats, we must first cultivate in children a sense of patriotism against the threat of “mass culture” to the family of awareness of national history, values and traditions.
However, the actual task is further enhanced by strengthening the moral and spiritual upbringing of young people. As noted in the book of the head of our state “High spirituality – invincible force”, the disclosure of the essence of the ideas that are alien to our national interests and way of life, strengthening in the hearts of our citizens national thinking and the fundamentals of a healthy worldview are particularly important [1].
It needs to bring to the consciousness of the public the main directions and well-balanced foreign policy, developed under the leadership of President Islam Karimov, and the nature of the initiatives of Uzbekistan in ensuring peace and security in the region.
On the basis of deep analysis of the socio-political situation in the region and modern threats and challenges to the security of the country in Uzbekistan established a solid legal framework that can be used to ensure peace, tranquility and stability in the country. It includes the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the laws “On defense”, “On combating terrorism”, “On combating the legalization of proceeds from criminal activity and financing of terrorism”, “On the military doctrine of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, “On approval of the national security of the concept of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, “On approval of the concept of foreign policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan” and other.
Adopted in 2012 on the initiative of the President of Uzbekistan, the law “On approval of the concept of foreign policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan” embodied the long-term strategic goals and objectives of the foreign policy of the country and provides an opportunity to conduct foreign policy on the basis of the complex features of the present time. The document opens in large legal possibilities to create the Central Asia’s security, stability, good neighborly relations and the peaceful settlement and in future issues of regional and international security within the framework of national interests [2].
The adoption of this Concept contributes to the strengthening of state sovereignty and territorial integrity, further enhancement of the role of Uzbekistan as a full subject of international relations, take place among the developed democratic countries, creating around the country environment of security, stability and good neighborliness.
As recently noted by the President Islam Karimov at the meeting with representatives of the mass media on the occasion of the Day of memory and honor: “First of all, the basis of colossal which are admired worldwide successes which have been achieved by Uzbekistan on the way of independent development, are prevailing in the country peaceful and quiet life, interethnic harmony, mutual respect and solidarity. Undoubtedly, peaceful and quiet life, stability is not given in themselves. For this we all should strive for clear sky, to show dedication” [3].
The Republic of Uzbekistan, first of all, active, focused on peace and cooperation foreign policy, whose main goal is to achieve global stability through the maintenance of peace and security in the region.
Currently on the planet there are universal problems that can only be solved through close cooperation between the countries located on different continents and with different political orientations. Currently, Uzbekistan has established an effective partnership with prestigious international organizations and associations. Uzbekistan’s relations with these organizations, primarily based on the interests of our country and the principles of mutually beneficial cooperation.
As emphasized by the President of the country, the unique geopolitical situation of Uzbekistan, holding them in the first place, taking into account national interests and well-balanced, independent, consistent foreign policy has provided recognition and the growing authority of the country in the global community.
Any threat to security, in whatever form it may be, poses a threat to the peace, stability and socio-economic development of countries, for the life and health of human spirituality, for clean environment and the sky.
At present threats to the national security of the Republic of Uzbekistan include religious extremism, terrorism and fundamentalism, drug trafficking, human trafficking, spiritual threats and information attack, the conflict on the basis of nepotism, corruption and organized crime, and environmental problems. These threats, although manifested in different forms, create the same danger for millions of people living on this earth. In this regard, the participants paid special attention to the need to further strengthen cooperation between law enforcement agencies, state and non-state actors in the correct understanding of these threats, timely identification of their sources and reciprocal relationship, the determination of the conditions of stability in society and their effective use.
In recent years, the Central Asian region, due to its geopolitical and geostrategic importance, a large number of mineral and raw material resources becomes an object of attention. This is proved by the intersection here of the strategic interests of the major States of the world, the ongoing conflicts in Afghanistan, where more than 30 years of hostilities are taking place. There is a fear that in connection with the withdrawal from Afghanistan coalition forces AISEF until 2014 and later, the situation in this country and around it can escalate, and such threats as terrorism, extremism and drug trafficking can grow. And this cannot but cause serious concern in neighboring States.
Uzbekistan has always stressed the absence of a military solution to the Afghan problem, and this is the first among the leaders told the President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov at the NATO summit in August 2008 in Bucharest. Once again the leader of Uzbekistan has focused on this issue in his speech at the high plenary session of the UN General Assembly on the Millennium development Goals, held in September 2010 in New York. Speaking about this, Islam Karimov stressed that in the current situation it is extremely important to find adequate ways of establishing the Afghanistan peace and stability, proposed a new model of open international cooperation, employee security in Central Asia, that is the establishment, under the auspices of the UN contact group “6+3 made by Uzbekistan in 2008. Stressed that its membership should include, first of all, the parties involved in the mission of peace – the United States, NATO, Russia and the countries directly bordering Afghanistan. While Uzbekistan is not a state, providing the Afghanistan military assistance in the form of weapons, as is the state, which helps the long-suffering Afghan people in rebuilding the country.
Uzbekistan today is recognized as one of the countries with its principled stance on issues of regional security in Central Asia and the establishment of peaceful life in Afghanistan, the nominating specific, thought-out initiatives. A number of proposals and initiatives of Uzbekistan in the fight against terrorism, religious extremism and illegal drug trafficking, environmental issues in Central Asia, attracts the attention of the world community.
Uzbekistan ratified all the major international instruments aimed at ensuring peace and security in the region and globally, in particular 13 UN conventions in the field of combating international terrorism. Today the world community is active, consistent struggle against transnational threats.
Thanks largely to the initiative of Uzbekistan, the Central Asian region was officially declared a zone free from nuclear weapons, and the corresponding agreement, signed by the countries of the region, officially registered with the United Nations. Currently, Central Asia is one of the few regions in the world,
It is also necessary to understand the essence of the other threats. XXI century is the century of information technologies and the period when the intellectual resources and modern knowledge becomes a crucial factor in the development of mankind. Along with this, there are new and dangerous threat of our time – such as international terrorism and extremism, organized crime, drug trafficking. It must be clear how and on what basis they appear, what a terrible threats are not only for Uzbekistan but also for all mankind, what serious consequences can result.
Thus, we can conclude that in Uzbekistan is systematic preventive work to prevent not only spiritual, but also any other threats, destructive able to influence on the development of personality.
- Каримов И.А. «Юксак маънавият – енгилмас куч». Ташкент, «Узбекистон», 2008 г.
- Доклад Президента Ислама Каримова на торжественном собрании, посвящённом 21 годовщине Конституции Республики Узбекистан // http://press-service.uz/ru/news/4533/
- Каримов И.А. Мир и сплоченность – основа развития нашей страны и благосостояния народа // http://press-service.uz/ru/news/4952/